Watch our video to listen to professionals describe how CE works

Although relatively unknown in the United States, Conductive Education is a mainstream form of therapy used to teach children with motor disabilities throughout Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, China and Canada. Scientists have finally proven what Conductive Education practitioners have known all along: the brain is an amazing organ, capable of creating new pathways in spite of significant damage. This premise of neural plasticity is the foundation upon which Conductive Education is based.

Conductive Education is carried out in small groups lead by a Conductor.

The Conductor does not solve an individual’s motor problem but encourages active problem solving for movement so that the thinking will become habitual. As the habit is developed, the brain will rewire new connections as it learns new tasks.

Different programmes in the sessions make up each group’s daily routine. This is specially designed to suit the individuals in that specific group. All the programmes are built on each other, using the learnt skills and implementing them in different positions. The tasks within each task series are built on each other too, starting with more simple movements building up into more difficult and complex tasks. All of these tasks are designed to help with the difficulties caused by the condition.

The success of Conductive Education follows from the fact that the damaged brain has a vast residual capacity, and this can be capitalized upon with appropriate methods.