National Conductive Education Awareness Day
Thursday February 21 is National Conductive Education Awareness Day. Follow Max’s journey in our 5 part story this week in honour of #CEDay2019.
Max’s Journey
Part I – Monday February 18, 2019
8 years ago, Max was born with a rare genetic disorder called partial trisomy 12q24. He had 8 holes in his heart, a clubbed foot, low muscle tone and global developmental delay. Not much is known about this disorder except that most children don’t survive. He had open heart surgery at 7 months old and 20 additional surgeries to repair damage done to his trachea from intubation during his heart surgery
Since Max’s disorder was so rare, one doctor theorized that Max would never walk and would be in diapers for the rest of his life. Max came to the Movement Centre in 2013 with very limited motor skills: he could not stand, or even crawl.
Through Conductive Education Max developed the skills to get dressed independently, walk, and feed himself. We are so proud of Max!
Part II – Tuesday February 19, 2019
At 3 years old Max wouldn’t put any weight on his legs, and tucked them underneath himself if anyone tried to stand him up. How could the Conductors increase Max’s confidence and get him up on his feet? CE incorporates our clients’ interests to help motivate and encourage them: Max loved the exciting toys placed on high surfaces he had to walk to, and the proud smile on his face when he got to them was inspiring!
Like and share Max’s story to help spread awareness of the benefits of CE!
Check in tomorrow to see Max’s next steps toward independence!
Part III – Wednesday February 20, 2019
Originally so afraid of people he wouldn’t pass a doorway if there was anyone in the room, the emotional security and positive atmosphere of Conductive Education classes at the Movement Centre allowed Max to express his individual creativity and build his self-esteem. Max had been working hard on taking steps, and he was so incredibly proud to show his mom and dad how he could take those first steps by himself! “Mom, Dad, watch!” he signed. These shared moments are priceless and we are so proud to provide Conductive Education to Manitobans!
Part IV – Thursday February 21, 2019 — National Conductive Education Awareness Day
One of the underlying principles of CE is the group dynamic: observing people solving similar problems encourages others in the group to become ambitious, seek help when it’s needed, and explore individual strategies for problem-solving. Max and Wyatt became “walking buddies” in March of 2015, when Max reached his goal of walking completely unassisted!
Part V – Friday February 22, 2019
Now that Max is walking independently, he’s working on keeping his feet straight when using the stairs, remembering to alternate feet (as one leg is much stronger than the other), and concentrating on fine motor skills.
Every week, Max gets faster at dressing himself and more confident in trying new things. He no longer needs help in the bathroom and can change his clothes on his own. Liz, Max’s mom says, “Max is an amazing little boy. He is happy, is engaged with the people around him, and is able to keep up with his peers. He has friends, he loves school, and he participates in the community. He would not be doing these things without the Movement Centre. Every week when we drive to the Centre I am thankful that this program exists, thankful for the staff that dedicate their lives to helping children and adults like Max reach their full potential.”
Not only is Max proud of himself, all of us at the Movement Centre are proud to have been a part of Max’s development and success! He’s an incredible little boy and we can’t wait to see what goals he reaches next!