A delicious fundraiser just in time for the holidays! Here is everything you need to get started on your Mom’s Pantry fundraiser.
Important Information:
- Order Due Date: 3 P.M. on Wednesday, Nov 17
- Pickup Date: 12 – 2 P.M. on Saturday, Dec 4 (tentative, date will be approved once our orders are submitted)
- Order Number: 342132
- Group Passcode: 43374
You can either submit these forms to info@movementcentre.ca, hand them in person, or submit your orders online at https://momspantry.ca/collections/all-products.
Physical forms are also available at the Movement Centre upon request – we also have colored magazines which show photos of the products.
If you have any questions, please call or text our volunteers:
Liz Bannister (204) 298-9779
Lisa Myhre (204) 951-0793